Alright ladies and gentlemen. I know that it is the holidays and everyone is busy but I do hope that you guys are not too far away from your computers and will take some time to look at this. I need your opinions.
It seems like I constantly have decision making issues. Remember? Here and here. Don’t worry; it’s something that I continuously work on in therapy. But for now, bear with me. You all have been so helpful in the past.
So, here it is. The sampler stole swatch, over size 2 US (3.00 mm) and size 3 US (3.25mm) needles. I can’t believe how much difference 0.25 mm can make in lace. Look at that!
Click to enlarge.
So, whaddya thunk?
On the size 2 US swatch, I have 2 boo boo’s (green arrow), so ignore that. I read the pattern wrong. But the size 3 swatch is fine.
So, here are my thoughts. They both look fine to me. That's why it is so hard to make a decision. The only difference is that one is smaller. They both drape fine and they both feel fine. What do I do? I guess if I want to analyze this to death, I really need to decide which one looks better. Whether garter stitch lace looks better in smaller needles or larger. I know it is a personal preference but I don't have a backbone. So, help.
Ok, cast them votes so I can start the damn thing already!!!