First of all, thank you all so much for your kind words in regards to the accident. I guess I really need to count my blessings that no one got hurt, instead of moaning and groaning about the fact that the accident happened. As I learn in the program, I need to take it One Day at a Time and just Do The Next Right Thing that is in front of me.
So, back to knitting. Am I ready?
I guess I am. The sharp Knit Picks Classic Circulars, the Zephyr and the pattern.
While waiting impatiently for my online purchases to arrive, I decided to swatch on some Bryspun straight needles in Size 3 US (3.25 mm). They were ok, interesting tips, but I could use sharper. Here is what I got:
What do you all think?
I think that this is going to be a real OPEN pattern. Look how big the yarnovers are in comparison to the solid garter sections! I think I'm going to give my KnitPicks Circulars a test drive and swatch on size 2 US (3.0 mm) needles before I embark casting on all 99 of them stitches. Hopefully it will give a more compact and stable fabric. I "feel" (and I am no expert) that because the yarnovers are so big, it doesn't give it a very solid look, it sorta makes it kinda unsymmetrical looking. Does any of these make sense?
And what's up with the fuzziness of the Zephyr? I really don't like the way it fuzzes up when handled. Anyone of you all experience the same thing?
Well, once again, I'll rely on you experts out there to guide me. I'll swatch with the smaller needles (and also to get my mind off the accident) and compare the swatches side by side.
Stay tuned!